Five senses

Hi guys!!!!

It's me again and today I'm gonna talk about a very important aspect of our bodys, The 5 Senses!!!

Everyday we receive different types of stimulation, we don't get them but they are always working in our bodies, also we can find them in daily activities, as eating some food, watching a movie, listening to music, using the cellphone or using a perfume.

Now I'm gonna explain about the five senses that the human body has:

Resultado de imagen para gustoThe tongue is the only organ which has this sense. By the taste we can feel all the food flavors and the flavors of everything that entry in our mouths. Taste buds allow to have high sensitivity in our tongue.

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We are using this sense everyday at every moment that we are awake (unless we are thinking in close our eyes). The part of the eyes are synchronized on a very particular way that allows us see all around us.

Resultado de imagen para tactoTOUCH:
This sense is spread through the whole body. Nerve endings in the skin send information to the brain that allow us to have a feeling in some part of the body. Blind people can read by this sense using the braille system.

Resultado de imagen para olfatoBy the nose we can feel a very particular sensation, the sense of the smell. Smells are made of emanations of various substances. Smell also is related with the taste.

Hearing is completely related with the ears. This sense is about all the things we listen. The erar works like a cup to catch sounds and then them travel through our head to oue brain. For example: this sense allow us listening to music.

Resultado de imagen para audicion

Every problem with one of this sense could affect us in a bad way, but the people say that if you don't have one of the five, you could develop in a better way the others.

I hope you can use this information!!
See you in the next blog... byeee!!!!


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